I've been a web only digital citizen until recently though I have tinkered in the best bits of that web through initiatives such as Indieweb. The problem is Indieweb with its fantastic social first conventions and constructs still operates in a space where the very environment lends itself to hostile BS from BigTech.

Mixing things up, publishing to Gemini Protocol and Gopher means I can more fully realise my attempt to reduce everything. I've been on a quest to use older more stable programming languagues (e.g. Lisp and derivatives) and smaller hardware (e.g. RaspBerry Pi and various ESP32 machines), why not simplify my protocols too? Smol-web seems perfect.

Without losing myself in the various movements and their associated environments, Cyberpunk, Steampunk, Solarpunk etc - I'm thinking I can start with the Stoic approach 'make yourself right, never mind them' until I figure this out... of course my default will be to play by the rules as a default. Therefore I think I am going about this as a 'Micropunk', a self contained organism navigating the 'Nixpunk' landscape... and for good measure to simplify search terms when inevitably at some point that search is over the Web we'll mix in some binary to the name and make it 'M1cr0punk'.

I'll write more about reducing over software and hardware here - and sometimes reducing over the information systems landscape (which tends to be a more complex topic for me at least in terms of putting words to thoughts).

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