It's the dawn of a new age - Lisp on my Inkplate 6 plus (ESP32)[1]. I've tinkered with the device infrequently since buying it in the summer (mostly because I am very busy - but partly because I can no longer bring myself to be excited or particularly interested in programming C). uLisp[2] changes the game however after being initially disappointed my board did not have enough Flash RAM to handle Clojurescript via Esprit. The installation was simpler than many blogs and sites make it seem to be. I used Arduino IDE this time as my dev environment is in flux post Sonoma. Couple of gotchas that will save you internet research time: ensure you choose the e-radionica Inkplate 6Plus board (code will not upload successfully with other options), choose 115200 as the upload speed, download the uLisp ino[3] as a raw file then upload to your device via USB-C, when uLisp is uploaded to the device use the Serial Monitor and ensure it is configured to 9600 baud, play with uLisp. I think the use cases are many and will write about some later.